About Us

Plantations offers both Freehold and Sectional Title homes. Some are pet friendly and others are pet free. 

Over 300 freehold properties ranging from single to multi-stories. Flowing layouts, fabulous entertainments areas, pubs and cellars are some of the attractions of these beautiful homes.

La Piazza

The heartbeat of Plantations Estate filled with beautiful gardens, pebbled and paved pathways, fountains and quaint Tuscan-styled homes. Underground parking provided for a car – free environment. Coffee shop, convenience store, day spa & salon are centrally situated within La Piazza.  A choice of duplex, simplex’s and upstairs apartments ranging in size offering 1 – 4 bedrooms.

Vecchio Village

Ideal lock up and go. Gorgeous duplexes with large gardens – some privately positioned facing the greenbelt conservancy. Single units with gardens and covered patios. Under cover parking for 2 cars.

Sorrento Village

A pet friendly village over looking the conservancy each unit has a garage and manageable garden.  North facing aspect.

La Vigna
La Vigna

Consists of 42 double storey units, either 2 or 3 bedroom with 1 or 2 garages, pet friendly private gardens complete the package.

La Piazza Duo

Ideal lock up Pet friendly neighbour to big brother La Piazza.  3 bedroom 2 bathroom double garage double storey units with manageable gardens.

Our Surroundings

Humble beginnings

Cane Fields before Plantations
Aerial Plantations 2005
Aerial Plantations 2003
Aerial Plantations 2020